A downloadable game

This is 'very broad', a new video game from Outhouse Media. It is meant to be a game where you play a character called "Tim", who only appears in the video game, and who becomes a regular forranger in the game.
What is unclear is whether or not Tim could be male or female. It says that the game is set in a world where the devices called "timers" are now ubiquitous, where gay men and lesbians can be active role models and where men are more "validating female role models" than ever before. It would seem that Tim is the only character in the video game who has ever been given a name, in a sense of who he is, or given a sexy outfit and a name. It remains to be seen whether the character would be playable in other games or even if the game has any connection to other games. Given the nature of the video game it may be best to keep this secret. Not having played around with the actual content, we can only say that it does look like something out of a gay game. We have no idea whether it's even real or if it's just a trailer for one of these games. Either way it would be far more interesting if we could believe that gay men and lesbians make up a majority of people who play video games. Many gamers seem obsessed with gender changes in games, and it seems like Outhouse Media has taken an interest in games there. We may one day see a video game about Tim getting

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