A downloadable game

This is 'Pogba Game', a new video game from Outhouse Media. It's being created by Outhouse Media as a reverse version of the popular arcade game. It's a bit more interesting than that. It's not a traditional video game. It's a real-time strategy game.
What can players do in this game? Well, basically, players can do what they've always done in a video game. That's what they know, you know, just fighting, going forward, moving forwards. That's what they'll watch in my video game. For example, I don't like to move. I like to go forward. I've always done that in a video game. They're not going to say 'move forward', 'go forward', 'attack'. I'm just going forward. There's no movement in that game. It's only a one-to-one ratio going forward and I'm always going forwards. What they're suggesting for players is that they should design their game around that strategy, which is the way people play, with no movement, using only one-to-one ratios. How has it been received? We've been really, really well-received. And I think that we're going to do our best to make sure that people are enjoying it. It's a good way of playing. It's not exclusive to strategy. We're looking to the bigger audience. I think everybody has seen a video game like this. It's going to be available, eventually

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