A downloadable game

This is '2001 across', a new video game from Outhouse Media. The music, soundtrack, and artwork are by Daniel Webb.
2001 Across, a new computer game from Outhouse Media, is being designed by three passionate, professional programmers, who want to express the passion for humor the game expresses. The game has been designed to be fun and excellent to play. It was entered into the Apple App Store in 2012 and is available for download on iTunes and Amazon Audio. The game sets players free from the city of Los Angeles, and is set against the backdrop of the summer of 2001. Your character is Chris, a wealthy local businessman with a young daughter. In the summer of 2001, a drought has devastated the Los Angeles area, and the rainy season has started. Chris of course can no longer afford to keep up with the drought, so he sends a small army of peaceful, well-armed men to restore the city. All in all, it seems pretty normal, for a middle-aged man to be trying to raise his daughter to be a model citizen. It wasn't, however, like Chris imagined. Chris quickly begins to find himself torn between his love for his daughter and the what he perceives to be the morally correct actions of the government. The city of Los Angeles, as it is now officially known, has become a hotbed for crime and corruption, and while Chris learned to live with his daughter's presence, when she reluctantly pops out of the trunk of the car she drives, Chris

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